Bonus Tips

I hope you have enjoyed checking out our Beginner’s Fitness Guide and I hope you are well on your way to a successful Fitness Journey. As a small token of my appreciation, I want to add a few little Bonus Tips that have helped my on my ongoing Fitness Journey and I hope they can help you too.

I know that there’s been discussion around the accuracy and effectiveness of a using wearable Fitness Trackers, however in my personal experience, it has been extremely helpful. Using a fitness tracker can help motivate you to create better habits and challenge you to move more. Keep in mind that the tracker is giving you an estimate and you can get a rough idea of what your activity levels are each day. Use discretion and make adjustments to your plan accordingly.

On the nutrition side, you already know by now that I am a proponent of Flexible Dieting and balance, so using a Kitchen Scale to measure my food portions is essential. You can find these online and they can help you with portion control. Your best bet is to measure your food in grams and either log your food in a journal or use a food tracking app. This might seem tedious at first, but it’s become a habit for me and it really helps me stay on track. For example, if I’m craving some “junk food” I can easily fit it into my calories for the day as long as I make room for it. Knowing the closest estimate to the macros of each of your meals each day will help to stay within your calorie budget and stay on track!

And of course, the elephant in the room is Supplements! Many demonize supplements and “Fitness Influencers” who try to push supplements, but some can actually be helpful! I personally enjoy using supplements and I’m always excited to try something new to see if I like it or if it helps. As always, you don’t need supplements, but they can fill in the gaps in your nutrition and help on your Fitness Journey. Some of my recommended Supplements include Creatine Monohydrate, Caffeine and Protein Powders.

Stay tuned for more helpful Tips!

Author: Nestor Rene

I’m a NASM Certified Personal Trainer who has lost over 90 pounds! If you’re interested in starting your own fitness journey, I can help you get started!