Recovery and Sleep

My Children of the Night, you might assume that when you start your Fitness Journey that you need to be all gas and no breaks, but what if I told you that your Recovery and Sleep habits are just as important as your Excersise Routine and Nutrition? Well it’s true and take it from me, I’ve had trouble in this department since I am after all, a nocturnal creature of the night (I work a night job). Lately, I have been working on improving my Sleep and I am already feeling the benefits when I climb out of my Sarcophagus. I want to share with you the importance of Sleep, Rest and Recovery and how it will help you feel better and make great progress on your Fitness Journey.

It is usually recommended that healthy individuals are to get around eight hours of sleep per night and even though that might not seem possible for some of us, there are ways to improve your sleep habits and get those extra hours of rest. It is also recommended that you try to keep a consistent sleep schedule, which again, may not be possible for some of us busy creatures. Making sure you’re able to wind down, get comfortable and catch those Z’s is going to have to become a priority, especially if you’re on a Fitness Journey. Lack of sleep will affect your mood, motivation, hormones and basically have you feeling like a Zombie. If you’re working hard in the Gym, you’re going to need proper sleep and recovery to see that hard work pay off. Muscle building occurs when your body is repairing those tore down muscle fibers, so proper recovery is crucial.

A bed time routine can make a huge difference helping get you to sleep. This sleep routine can involve, Meditation, reading a book, shutting down devices, stretching, keeping your room dark, keeping your room cool and even some supplements can help get you to sleep. You’re going to want to avoid any big meals, sugary snacks or caffeine as you get closer to bed time. A sleep supplement or some caffeine free herbal tea can help you wind down, but also be aware that drinking too much can interrupt your sleep with trips to the bathroom.

Proper Rest and Recovery doesn’t only involve rest in bed, but rest between workouts and also rest in between Excersise sets. Rest days are important and you can either plan them as part of your workout split or intuitively take them as needed, either way you’re going to need them for recovery. A rest day doesn’t necessarily mean stay in bed all day, you can still be active with low impact activities such as stretching or walking. Rest breaks in between your lifts will also be something to keep in mind. Generally you’ll want to rest anywhere between one to three minutes in between your major compound exercises and around one to two minutes in between isolation or smaller muscle movements. These few minutes of rest between exercises will help you regroup, catch your breath and charge up to give your best strength and energy towards the next set.

Your Fitness Journey will involve a lot of hard work and you’re going to need to rest and recover along the way to feel your best and see maximum results. Prioritizing better sleep and recovery will not only help you feel your best, but also enhance your overall performance. By focusing on these crucial aspects, you can unlock your full potential and become the best version of yourself.

Author: Nestor Rene

I’m a NASM Certified Personal Trainer who has lost over 90 pounds! If you’re interested in starting your own fitness journey, I can help you get started!